Friday, 7 September 2012

Friday 7th September Ravieres to Ancy Le Franc

Trip. Departure 9 am. Locks

As I set off on my bike for bread, the hireboat with Madame aboard slipped lines and set off for the first lock. It was 8.35.

I had arranged a 9 am leave and realised we would be having contact again today with the wierds. At 9 we set off, it was another cloudless morning. The canal was still littered with cut grasses and at the first lock two things. Firstly I was amazed to find the wierds had already gone through and secondly, I needed to check the strainers.

I sensed the eclusier a little miffed having just let the wierds go through and here he was having to fill and empty for me. I explained that we were spot on time. He shrugged, no problem, they will just have to wait at the next lock. I simply smiled deep deep down.

Bad fairy for my smugness struck. Checking the strainers, I drop the locking nut into the oily bilge. In trouble with the crew as get oil on my sweatshirt and it's not pleasant retrieving the lock nut, but just get it sorted in time.

We catch the wierds at lock number two. Madame is all action doing absolutely nother but hinder smoothe locking by getting the ropes in a terrible tangle. We have marmite on baguette and tea as she comes back to explain to us how the lock keepers operate and that this one will only stay with us for one more lock.

I smile and say thank you. Incredible is not the word!

Next lock she comes back to explain that the keeper has given them timings as they want to stop at Ancy to visit the castle before moving on at 3 and this is what we needed to do if we wanted to see the chateau.

By now I had accepted she was one of those people who had to feel important and in control and a leader. How could i possibly dislike her!

I smiled and thanked her and explained that we were stopping at Ancy for the night and visiting the castle tomorrow and I would inform the eclusier when he asked me my intentions at his last lock which was normal practice darling.

At the next bend we spotted the weed cutter drifting along the right bank spueing a grotesque load of propellor seeking tangle weed.

We spotted a goose pack minding there own business and the floating flotsam.

Arriving at Ancy just before lunch, I make arrangements with the eclusier and plug in to the free electric and water on the quay mooring close up behind the wierds. They are on a mission. First off is the tall elegant scarfed quiet lady who has been there all the time in the background. She sets off up the 600m road toward the chateau. 50 metres behind follows the now rather dapperly dressed skipper in bright red slacks and a fetching blue and white hooped sailing cardigan. Third out of the stalls and some 40m in the rear is Madame. The very very old lady and fourth passenger is left on the boat. I watch fascinated as inexplicably, quiet lady crosses the road but holds her lead. Madame is hauling in dapper with every yard and soon she sweeps past him without a word. As they approach the finish line at the chateau, it is a tough call to make on who wins. The field is split, quiet lady on one rail with Madame making a late run on the near rail and in a phot finish, I think Madame has hit the front in the last stride and gets to organise the visit.

Half an hour later, they troop back to the boat. Priceless, it was closed for lunch.

Meanwhile on Doucette, Collette has started her washing and I clean magma and BBQ and get the pressure pump to blow through the seacocks and intakes. Check oils and waters and am delighted that my oil leak seems to have revealed itself as oil level has not moved now in two weeks.

Ham cheese and tomato baguettes for lunch with a glass of ice cold Heineken.

I take the steel steed to check out town and shops. Nice place and I find a spar closed til 2.30 for lunch. Spar have two hours, not too shabby!

Doucette has washing lines draping her but in the intense heat we now have, drying does not take long. The wierds set off again at 1.45. This time dropping mrs quiet who does not make the trip. By the entrance dapper is a full 100m behind Madame. What a women!

I head off to spar and buy rabbit and lamb for tonight's dinner before returning to Doucette where the wierds are reported by the crew as "gone for all money". I was a little sad but only a little. We sit on the poop and it's nice to get the shade back up for the crew to escape what is a stunning day.

After an afternoon roasting, the rabbit and lamb is bbq'd and we accompany it with courgettes and tomatoes and cous cous. Washed down with a bottle of fizz as I am horrified to find I am down to just one bottle of red on board.

I am in for a sleepless night!


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