Monday, 24 June 2013

Saturday 15th June emotional farewells for now!

Up at the crack of siofra (one of our friends changed her name from Dawn by deedpole and its been this ever since). Off to see Duet on the steel wheels. A beautiful morning and we are still in raptures about yesterday. A lovely ride stopping to take a picture of one of the several breather holes going down to the tunnels we had passed through yesterday.
They are pretty deep
 After just 15 minutes before we arrive to see Eric finishing breakfast and his bread being delivered.

With their 10am departure set, we take off down the 16 locks staircase to have a more relaxed look at the wares on offer in the ecluses.

Stop number one is the pottery where we purchase a wine jug as a momento of yesterdays very special day.

The scenery really is a delight

Before the wonderful wierdness of the hippy lock and those hitchcock like dolls houses.

Nice to see a bike hung out to dry

and great bike racks supplied
Duet was leaving her beautiful mooring as we arrived and so with a cheery wave we wished them well on the next exquisite 3kms. We retraced their bike ride following us yesterday. 
Over coffee on Duet who had moored alongside following their collancelle transit, we discussed the trip. Eric had sighting difficulties in the tunnels and had been forced to stop at one stage  to adjust to the dark but he had coped admirably with duets 4.2 beam and had loved the whole experience although they both felt they were happy to have got through and loved the collancelle bit but  would not be too keen to take the cat through the tunnels again. I suspect they would be much happier a second time though. The first is always a tad nervy. 

With Eric keen to do some sailing on the lake and with very high temperatures forecast, they decided to stay here a couple of days and with us needing to crack on, it was time for the emotional farewell stuff. It had been a delight keeping their company for the last couple of weeks and we look forward to following their own adventures down to the med and beyond. See you when the fog lifts chums and bon vents.

We enjoyed a lovely run of 15 kms and 13locks

including a triple at Chavance

 where the locals were enjoing far too much a long afternoon lunch with ample fluids at the reknowned lockside cafe. After some banter about my smokers, we were cordially invited to join them and were sad to have to decline.

Before a spectacular chateau heralded our arrival at Chatillon en Bazois.

The canal uses part of the original moat walls and follows a horseshoe around the chateau gardens.

 A stunning mooring offering free electricity water and wi fi.

A quick shop raid preceded a cobbed chicken and haricot dinner. Marvellous!
















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