Sunday, 30 June 2013

Wednesday 19th June Old friends and a new canal

Difficult to write but we were genuinely delighted to awake to a cool morning. We checked to see how the new cool box had performed. Ice cold and delighted.
I knocked up a spanish omelette for breakfast before we slipped off to source a french to english plug adaptor for the new cooler and some plywood to finish the shower wall. The staggering 28euro cost of the adaptor and silly 8euro for a tiny bit of poor quality ply sent us back to Doucette empty handed but a stop at Auchen resulted in a rosemary plant and a few more bottles of wine so at least it had not been a totally wasted morning.
We readied the boat for departure and now 1 o`clock the crew slipped off to the capitinnaire to retrieve our 10 euro deposit for the pontoon key. I watched from a distance as there was obviously a problem. Collette was lurking with 3 other people and clearly no sign of the capitinnaire. I suddenly heard a shout of Andy.  It was Steve on Chantelle, we had met at Joigny in september. A very quick catch up as he waited for the lock and a promise to have a beer next time we crossed paths. The lock opened and off he went heading in the opposite direction. Still no movement at the  Captainaires office. This was getting irritating. Chantelle departed the lock and who should come through after him but Aphrodite, we had shared a mooring in Saverne last year and enjoyed drinks aboard a rather lovely bourn cruiser. Another brief exchange as they headed through the pound waiting for the opposite lock, the one we needed to go through but still no sign of Collette. I watched getting very irritated as Aphrodite locked and I saw her turn right heading towards the Briar canal. Eventually collette returned with tales of not even an apology and we got away joining the Canal lateral a la loire. It was obviously a different canal having its own distinct feel. We passed a small boat, the  owner kindly shouted what a  lovely boat laughing, I thanked him and wished him bon voyage and only then realised it was a birchwood 25. 
one feature of the new canal was longer runs between locks and we luxuriated in  5km and 8km pounds. We decided on stopping at Gannay sur loire, as we pulled out of the lock directly preceeding the halte, I immediately spotted a familiar narrowboat.

The Mary Rose, Andy and Wendy had been on the Meuse with us last year and Andy had looked after the boats when we had gone to a midnight son et lumiere in Verdun. This had proven to be much needed as he had had problems with some drunks following a quayside concert and had called the police at 1am an hour before our return. I had been very grateful that he had been on hand to avoid any damage to the boats. He came out and helped me alongside and requested I join him for a beer at the adjacent bar. It was 5.30 and I was very keen. He introduced me to about 10 locals and the owner, Jean Claude, a stereotypical frenchman complete with handle bar moustache and a glint of mischief in his eye. Andy was clearly a bit of a celebrity here and had gifted jean claude with a ferret toy which he clearly loved and just roared every time he set it off. A young couple hit the whisky. I saw them drink 5 in quick time before making there way to their cars and calmly driving off. By 8pm we were the last at the bar and jean claude was buying us drinks. I suggested we should ask the girls to join us. Collette was keen and said she would ask wendy as I got back to the bar. Collette arrived with a short and sweet message for Andy from his wife. Guess his dinner was a gonna. He responded in typical male style. "another round please jean claude" Collette started on Ricard, by 8.30 Andy thought better of it and slipped back to a tricky reception. Jean claude insisted on getting Collette to try his rose and then introduced her to a Moresque which is a ricard with an almond syrup called orgeat. He was such a star and my bill was rediculous, I am sure he bought more drinks than I did. No wonder he was sadly selling up as business was on the decline. It had been a great session.
We fell home to an 11 oclock dinner and much needed bed.
It had truly been a day of old friends and new. We love it here!

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