Just could not sleep what with excitement and the bloody rain. It was bucketing, what a start for the mahoneys! We cracked into pecan crumble and yoghurt before braving the weather and heading into town where i needed to top up the ipad Internet at orange and my phone at la poste. We took the brolly for the first time this campaign.
We got an update from T & R that they had left London at 6.30 and were now on the ferry.
We found an orange shop in this shopping heaven of a city. The streets lined with famous brands and individual boutiques. It was an unbelievably smooth operation. Within 10minutes the iPad was back in action and we were heading for the poste.
Once inside we are pounced on by two casually dressed young men who want to know what we want. This is all too easy. I gave him the phone asking for a 20€ recharge. He took it away and said he would be just a minute. Collette then uttered those immortal words "well this has all gone very smoothly hasn't it"
45 minutes later we finally left the poste with the phone recharged. The poste had a national problem with their systems today and the manager had been called in to speak to head office to get it sorted for us.
The rain was easing as we arrived back at Doucette and we got a message update that T &R still had 330kms to go and satnav was estimating a 9.35 arrival. It was a long trip for them and a long wait for us.
I got the cob on and we prepared a meal of roast pork dauphinoise and haricot for there arrival.
At 9.30 rose rang saying they were at a bridge over a canal, I ran out and saw them immediately and guided them round the one way system into the car park. It was brilliant to greet them with hugs and kisses all round.
We all tried talking at once of course but got them aboard for some bubbly. The evening had cleared and was balmy so we ate on the poop deck, drank too much and talked til one when I suggested they must be pretty knackered and so we got them settled into bed.
We retired extremely happy to have them aboard.
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