Friday, 27 July 2012

Wednesday 25th July Richardmenil to Nomexy

Trip 41 Kms. Departure 9.15 Locks 21 of 266

Having been set for a few days we were happy to be on the road today and the Kms just sort of drifted by. The scenery was beautiful early on as we moved effortlessly through the first 3locks retracing our steps of just a few days ago. This time we got through lock no 3 of the day which opened onto the lovely aqueduct traversing the Moselle.

Through the gorgeous foret de benney and the wooded cliffs near gripport.

I had a stop at charmes in my head but it was full and not very charming to be honest so we just cracked on enjoying the ride although it has to be said that this section of the Vosges would not be on my list of favourites both for the number of locks and the scenery is pretty dull in comparison to earlier stretches.

We arrived at Nomexy at around 4 ish and with plenty of room on a solid mooring, we pulled in behind an English steeler. We sat and enjoyed some rest and relaxation in the blistering heat with some ice cold beers to help pass the day and watched as a large group of kids descended on the little but superb all weather 5 a side pitch some 50 yds away.

The kids age ranged from 17 to about 13. I watched the 13yr olds pass rings round there frustrated elders and was very impressed with a young number 10 who will be a fine player one day. Classically French though, a little lazy when his team did not have the ball.

It got later, i showered under the tree with the outdoor beauty, it was superb and whilst the neighbours were on their poop deck, I had smile when a growing bunch of 17 18 yr olds started to congregate on the picnic bench next to their boat. The kids had beers, noisy motor bikes and cars and started exploding bottles. Not sure how but it made very large bangs. We sat on the poop sniggering smugly whilst I BBQ"d collettes rather lovely looking chicken red pepper and courgette and red onion kebabs to go with our salad.

a point about kebabs which I just need to make at this juncture!

Now any chap out there will agree with me that whenever you attend a BBQ and the host has made kebabs with veg, you just feel sad. A quarter pounder lashings of ketchup and a nice little square of melted processed cheese and it's heaven. Bits of chicken which go dry because they are so small and veg which shrivel up and burn on the outside because the chicken ain't cooked yet and then go cold seconds after scraping them off that bloody wooden kebab stick which is burnt despite being soaked in water first and which without a serious marinating just tastes bland is just.... Well sad really, but girls they always do look nice Pre cooking!

The youngsters suddenly decided to move tables. One to the right which brought them directly opposite me. I had a meldew moment, i dont believe it! Lots of bonsoirs and, why move, that table is so much nicer and we had some banter. They were fine. Possibly sorted out a few dealS in front of my nose but hey ho they were harmless and very polite except for the very French habit of public urination. My earlier Shower spot was chosen under the tree which rather offended me but I found it a tad more humerous when one of the lads took a phone call and oblivious to his chums earlier relief, stood in the exact spot chatting on the phone happy as larry until and over and the wet feeling he suddenly felt between the toes of his flip flops made him very aware of his unfortunate position.

They slowly dispersed and we did likewise. It was a hot sultry night and that was just the weather conditions.



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