Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Saturday 4th August Corre to Port sur Soane

Trip 41kms Departure 11.30. Locks 5 of 342

After yoghurt, cereal, egg cheese and mushroom and tomatoe omelette, I topped the tanks with my two spare cans of fuel and slipped the 100m to the garage to get two refills which also went in.

It was another beautiful hot day and we slipped through our last Vosges lock and were finally on the river soane. It was just beautiful.

There is definately something special about the meanderings and natural banks of a river. The scenery was oh so different suddenly and as we passed through ormy, the first town, we noticed the red tiled roofs of the houses, a sure sign we were heading closer toward the south.

With a speed limit of 8 knots, it was nice to give Doucette her head and she lifted her bow ever so slightly in appreciation for some throttle. The engines too were desperate for some work and soon they showed their appreciation with a reduction in smoke. Oil pressure was back up to 3.5 so all was good with the world.

We just sat back and enjoyed the luxury of travel with just the odd lock. The soane was widening and the trees just seemed to get greener and greener!

Fantastic! After a couple of hours we were staggered as to how far we had travelled and decided on the next nice mooring being for us. The next three were full with hire boats though, but no surprise as they were all beauties!

It was so hot even the cows needed to cool off in the river

After 41kms we came into port sur soane. Another lovely village entry.

We saw a couple waving from a delightful looking bar overlooking the canal. The BBC were in town. We waved back and moved through the town to a long bollarded quay. We could see the marina further on and went to check it out. Spotted linden lea but decided the quay would be nice so returned and tied up.

It was a busy thoroughfare and pretty much every local walked down it at least once a day! We had drinks and relaxed in the seriously hot sun. Barry and Fiona passed and shouted about drinks tonight. They wanted to try the bar at the marina so we arranged to meet at 6.

Had a stroll up to the supermarket and bought some wine. Took a nice call from fireman Fred at home. Lovely to catch up with him and hopefully he is popping out to visit. Decided to come back with bikes for some heavy stuff tomorrow water and beer running low again. There was a wedding going on in town and the whole town seemed to be out congratulating the newlyweds on the church steps as we passed. Women always look very attractive at a wedding, usually!

The town was preparing for the start tomorrow of an international folk festival. The town hall plaza was full of impressive cravings representative of all nine nations participating. I was just pleased to be there really!

Strolled up to the marina bar at 6. It was already busy but we got a table for drinks. Pleasant couple of hours before getting back for some dinner at 8.30. It had been so hot, we had planned on a tuna and egg salad. Afterm drinks this didn't sound too thrilling to either of us but we decided we should. With the bottle of Burgoyne aligote it was fabulous and we sat out and watched tomorrow arrive listening to some smooth jazz and sipping snifters.


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